Dr. Sunita Agarwal, grand daughter of Dr. RS Agarwal (Sri Aurobindo Ashram), D/o. Dr. Jaiveer Agarwal (Padma Bhushan) and Dr. Tahira Agarwal (Corneal Surgeon) is renowned and acclaimed ophthalmologist from India known world wide. Her contribution in the field of research & surgery has been immense with her active participation in community service. Her achievements are beyond description. Gold medalist from Madras Medical college (MBBS) & Gujarat University (MS opht). Sports person with national Gold medal in swimming and state championship for squash.
She has the distinction of being awarded Achievement Award by the American Academy of Ophthalmology and also being awarded the best speaker by American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. She has two registered global patents to her credit that of solar powered inhalation device (injection less insulin delivery) and static magnetic field bed to be used for treatment of cancer and hypertensive patients. She has four patents pending on MANA & DNA Genesis. She has authored 14 books (along with Dr.Amar Agarwal) to her credit and to many publications.
Pioneering Laser cataract surgery and Laser sclerotomy for glaucoma patients. Magnetopexy, Ferocini, and now Mana remain her pet research projects. Surgical innovations to her credit are 700 micron cataract surgery, anti chamber collapser, ECP surgery for fallen lens, Low threshold diode laser retinal disorders, Organic chelation and detox therapy. Intrapapillary optic nerve DNA injections for restoring sight.

She is an enthusiast in the field of free community service rendering her services during the Kargil war operating phaco surgery bloodless, sutures less and with no injections for the first time at 14,000 feet above sea level, Bhuj earthquake, Sri Lanka, where over 45 surgeries were conducted using state of the art technology, Tsunami. She has conducted live surgeries at different countries like Turkey, Indonesia, China, Russia, Mexico, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Middle East etc. She has delivered guest lectures at over the last three decades in USA, Europe, Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, UAE, Italy, Sri Lanka, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, France, Germany, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Nepal, Maldives, Malaysia, Russia, Sweden,Egypt.